Do you want to start your small business but you lack the resources that are required to start one? If yes then this lack of resources might just ruin your chance of becoming an entrepreneur and living a financially independent life.

Service oriented businesses are extremely beneficial for you if your financial resources are limited. You can start one immediately without much difficulty and you will not even require a bank loan or anything as such. Another very useful way of starting a small business with little resources is by considering a home-based business. The investment in the home-based businesses is really very affordable. Some examples of home-based businesses are childcare services, freelance writing and photography, desktop publishing and so on.


You can even take the help of the internet to find out more small business ideas. Once you are decided as to which business you want to start then you have to look for financial resources. If higher amount of capital is not required to start your small business then you can surely avail the revolving or unsecured credit. But you have to ensure that you utilize the credit card thoughtfully and pay off credit card balances on time.

Incase you avail the trade credit like many of the other established businesses then you can hold a huge inventory and get products which can be sold without the need for you to invest your limited financial resources. You can engage in advance sales with your clients and even offer your clients discounts because they are paying in advance. Along with this a letter of credit obtained from your customer will ensure the supplier that he/she will get the money for the inventory supplied to you.

Usually the central or the state governments offer small business incentives such as lower rates of interest, tax credits etc to give boost to the growth of small businesses located especially in the local or remote areas of the country or state.