Supply chain management and logistics has long been one of the most complex processes a business has to manage and becomes inevitably more difficult with the larger the size of the organisation. Today however supply chain management has been transformed by the aid of innovative software that automates many of the processes that were previously left to staff members. Here we explain just how much has changed in the world of supply chain management

Warehouse management system (WMS)

Managing a warehouse that can be full of thousands of goods is a task for only the exceptionally organised. Complex rules of product codes, SKUs, areas of storage by product type and stock quantity management were enough to drive staff to distraction. Now however the tech used by companies such as means the entire management of a warehouse can be automated through a system that considers the picking, put aways, internal movements and shipments that happen on a day to day basis.

Asset tracking that protects your business

Efficient asset management is the difference between asset loss and retention. Whether through deliberate theft or from misplacement assets are prone to going missing if not thoroughly tracked. Supply chain software is making asset manage more efficient and streamlined than ever, allowing businesses to know exactly what items are where and when they were checked in. This means that staff are more accountable than ever before and businesses are seeing tangible, financial benefits.

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Asset disposal that’s more cost effective than ever

Asset disposal is about far more than selling off assets or replacing old equipment. In a supply chain that covers numerous bases with hundreds of staff all using varying pieces of equipment asset disposal can prove to be a nigh on impossible task. Scheduling where a given item will be at any time and when it may be suitable to dispose of is now made a whole lot easier with supply chain management software. Businesses can now see where every asset it and where it will be at any given future point in time. Appreciating what is needed and where they are needed is essential to keeping a business operating as it should.

Capacity management and planning for the future

Capacity Management incorporates all that traditional supply chain management does, but goes far beyond what a business can do with new found knowledge; specifically this includes:

Resource reservation

The identification of current and future shortage

Resource utilisation analysis

The identification of surpluses

Management of obsolescence

Altering services to suit resource availability

These features mean that a business can build the services that they provide around their resource logistics and availability; being able to plan for future events is now easier than ever, allowing companies to plan months in advance for particularly demanding periods.

Additionally, the features also provide valuable data that helps a business in understanding their usage patterns, which means that they can identify the assets that are, or are soon to become, obsolete. Having an efficient tool for asset disposal is half the battle when attempting to minimise the costs of asset management.